City Labs, a long-life Tritium battery manufacturer, has closed its first round of funding from founder of high-end computer hardware company‚ Alienware and LCS Ventures. The South Florida-based company develops batteries that can last for more than 20 years.

City Labs&' batteries are powered by the decay of Tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. Tritium is the same isotope commonly used to illuminate Exit signs in buildings. City Labs&' products are used in situations when replacement is difficult or impossible' uses include space satellites, medical implants and intelligence-gathering sensors. In the short term, the company plans to focus on encryption keys in defense electronics.

Aerospace and defense company Lockheed Martin has tested City Labs&' products, confirming they can withstand extreme temperature fluctuation, vibration and altitude. City Labs was founded in 2005 at Florida International University.

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Companies: Alienware, City Labs, Dell, Florida International University, LCS Ventures, Lockheed Martin

Companies: Alienware, City Labs, Dell, Florida International University, LCS Ventures, Lockheed Martin

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