Despite the clear competition from Facebook&'s new commenting service, commenting company Disqus&'s co-founder and CEO Daniel Ha says he is not concerned about Facebooka4ぎa4г foray into the field, according to PeHub.
On March 1stあFacebook introduced its commenting plug-in. TechCrunch, GigaOm, the Daily Beast, and other notable websites replaced the popular Disqus commenting service with this plug-in to test out the new service.
Ha told PeHub, a4ぎAWe think of Facebook as a competent competitor. Theya4ぎa4ёe put a stake in the ground a4ぎa4 they see a lot of value in what we do. But we havena4ぎa4д seen [Facebook] make a dent in our traction, which is why we arena4ぎa4д shaking in our boots.a4ぎ
Facebooka4ぎa4г commenting plug-in does not allow users to comment anonymously because every comment is connected to a Facebook profile. If a user is already logged into a Facebook account, they wona4ぎa4д need to go through any authentication options, and all comments written are also posted to a usera4ぎa4г Facebook wall,あexcept when this is asked not to occur.
In 2010, Disqus grew its traffic from users and the number of publishers using its platform between 500 to 600 percent, Ha said. Disqus is also the commenting platform for more than 700,000 websites, including CNN,あ Fox News and this very site. Ironically, since Facebooka4ぎa4г comment launch, Ha says that he has seen 30 to 40 percent growth in daily installs.
Disqus is a four-year-old, 20-person startup, that is headquartered in San Francisco. The company has raised $4.5 million from investors including Y Combinator and Union Square Ventures.
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Companies: Disqus, Facebook
People: Daniel Ha
Companies: Disqus, Facebook
People: Daniel Ha
Conrad Egusa is a contributing writer at VentureBeat. A serial entrepreneur, hea4ぎa4г also the founder of CampusKiwi, an angel investor backed company headquartered in New York, and 2minutePrep, an educational preparation company. You can follow him on Twitter at @conrad_egusa, and follow VentureBeat on Twitter at @venturebeat.
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