Back to the Future may have been right: The cars of tomorrow will be powered by capacitors (they will not, presumably, be able to time-travel).
At least, that&'s what Tesla CEO Elon Musk said at yesterday&'s Cleantech Forum in San Francisco, unleashing a torrent of speculation that the electric car company may be researching capacitor storage.
Capacitors are electric devices that can store charges temporarily. They can handle a greater number of charge cycles than batteries, and can provide quick jolts of energy. If Tesla could find a way to use them in conjunction witha4‚¬a4¯and eventually in place ofa4‚¬a4¯their current lithium-ion batteries, electric cars could travel greater distances before needing to be recharged.
Interestingly, Musk originally came to California to study high-energy-density capacitor physics at Stanford. &''I did that for a laugh,&'' he said at the conference.
After being enrolled for a few days, he dropped out of Stanford to pursue a career as an entrepreneur. And if Tesla&'s able to push the state of the art in energy storage forward, he may well have the last laugh.
[Image by Flickr/]
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Companies: Tesla
People: Elon Musk
Companies: Tesla
People: Elon Musk
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