In an effort to increase voter turnout for next Tuesday&'s Congressional Election, President Barack Obama has put out a call on Twitter for constituents to install a Facebook application called the &''Commit to Vote Challenge.&'' Like a more noble version of Fast Company&'s Influence Project, the Commit to Vote Challenge takes advantage of the &''network effect&'' by using Facebook to spam your friends about voting.a4s‚ Facebook&'s population is currently greater than that of the United States.

Right now according to the app, I&'m a humble &''Committer&'' and all I need to &''reach the next level&'' is inspire just one more friend to vote. I can also &''compete with my friends to inspire the most commitments&'' which is a serious case of social gaming mechanics taken too far. Paid for by the DNC and Organizing for America, I bet this thing is assuming your Facebook friends are Democrats.

Take a look at the Commit to Vote Challenge interface below, it&'s scary. Also: Why is our (American) President tweeting using the (Canadian) Hootsuite

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