Popular check in application Foursquare today unveiledあthe next version of itsあiPhone application according to the company&'s blog. The most notable features include being able to comment on friend&'s check ins and photo sharing. The app is available now.
Last week, the company shared an indicator of the new appあthrough a shortあTweet, whichあthanked a4ぎASantaJobs,a4ぎ apparently a reference to Apple cofounder and CEO Steve Jobs.
The comments featureあis meant to help give users some added value around meeting up with friends and exploring around town. For example, a user could see that a friend checked in nearby and tell them to come join them at the bar for a drink.あComments are only viewable by Foursquare friends.
The photos feature will allow for users to attach photos toあa friend&'s comment orあtheあvenue itself. Photos attached to a friend&'s comment will only be visible by friends, but photos on venues will be visible by everyone.
The two new features are planned to be available on Android next week and the company points out that apps like Instagram, FoodSpottingあand PicPlz, whichあuse photo sharing and Foursquare, areあtrying to integrate with the new features.
The New York City-based company, founded in 2009, has raised more than $21 million in funding and currently has more thanあ40 employees in its hometown and a new engineering office ita4ぎa4г opening in San Francisco.
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Companies: Foursquare
Companies: Foursquare
Cody Barbierri is a social and digital media consultant. He works for Piehead and blogs about social media at Social Tab. (None of his posts are about clients or their competitors.) Reach him at Cody@venturebeat.com. You can also follow Cody on Twitter.
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