Google today debuted a newあDelicious migration tool for Google Bookmarks, as it aims squarely at fans of Yahoo&'s bookmarking service who have been worried that its retiring could lose them their carefully chosen links.
Delicious, which Yahoo acquired in 2005, provides users with a way to share Web bookmarks and discover new, interesting websites.
The newあGoogle Bookmarks importer allows a user to login with either an existing Yahoo ID or Delicious ID to import all your bookmarks and tags. That data then lets a user instantly integrate Delicious tags with existing Google Bookmarks links.
Google&'s timing seems right.
Reportsあsurfaced in December that Yahoo was going to a4ぎAsunseta4ぎ the service &8212' a fancy way of saying it will kill Delicious &8212' after a number of leaked slides from an internal Yahoo presentation hit the Internet. The slide wasああposted on Twitter by Eric Marcoullier, who cofounded blog social network MyBlogLog, another service listed in the a4ぎAsunseta4ぎ column.
The slide says that Yahoo Picks, AltaVista, Yahoo Buzz, and other services are also targeted for shutdown.
Google&'s new service will come as a relief to Delicious users who had been worried that an abrupt end to the services could see them lose all their data.
Last May Google had attempted to draw in some Delicious users by launching a rival site, Lists for Bookmarks, a more social feature for bookmarking. Lists allowed users to copy all their bookmarks into lists in order to share publicly, but it never seemed to gain the traction Delicious did.
At the time of Yahoo&'s buy-up, Delicious founder Joshua Schachter was stillあa Google employee, but has since moved on to found stealth startup Tasty Labs.
Photo via bm.iphone on Flickr
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Companies: altavista, Delicious, Google, MyBlogLog, Tasty Labs, Yahoo
People: joshua shachter
Companies: altavista, Delicious, Google, MyBlogLog, Tasty Labs, Yahoo
People: joshua shachter
Riley McDermid is a contributing reporter to VentureBeat. She was previously the online editor at institutional investing and trading forum Markets Media, which she joined in 2008 from Dow Jones/MarketWatch in New York. Her work has appeared in the The New York Times, the Associated Press, Portfolio Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, and Barrona4ぎa4г. She has won awards from the American Society of Business Publishers and Editors, the Magazine Association of the Southeast, the Mississippi Press Association and the Atlanta Press Club, and was a finalist for the Pacemaker Prize for excellence in news reporting.
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