Just like Steve Jobs said we eventually stopped making fun of and just plain got used to the word &''pad&'' in the name of his magical device, no longer thinking of that other thing also called a pad whenever we pass by an Apple store. In fact, we&'re already debating the hypothetical merits of the iPad 2 and nary an iTampon 2 or similar reference in sight. Until now&8230'
Iselle Slome and the ladies of ArthurORMartha have created just about the most ridiculous parody of a computing product I&'ve seen since MadTV&'s extremely prescienta4s‚ Apple spoof. The best thing about this video It highlights how uncannily similar those cheesy &''Windows 7 Was My Idea&'' ads are toa4s‚ commercials for feminine products.
Warning: Not for the overly squeamish.
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