It ducking sucks when you&'re texting really fast, all excited about the Giants winning NLCS game 6, and your iPhone&'s spelling auto correct turns homerun hittera4s‚ Juan Uribe&'s last name into &''urine.&'' We&'ve all been there.
Because iPhone spellcheck failure is such a widespread phenomenon, some genius has created an entire site devoted to compiling ridiculous auto correct suggestions, called appropriately &''Damn You Auto Correct.&''
Hilarity aside, for those of you sick of typing in your girlfriend&'s name (Christine) only to get another more inappropriate c-word,a4s‚ here&'s instructions for using Safari to make your unruly iPhone to type what you want, damn it.
Thanks: @ieure CrunchBase InformationiPhoneInformation provided by CrunchBase