Ita4¬a4s hard to have metaphysical conversations in the technology game. Most of chat a4¬a4 even with techno-evangelists and social media utopians a4¬a4 is disappointingly mundane. But once-in-a-while, one comes across an exceptional individual who thinks so deeply about technology that he makes it seem profound, even other-worldly.
Officially, Jeff Jonas is the chief scientist of the IBM Entity Analytics group and an IBM Distinguished Engineer. Less officially, he is a Las Vegas based ironman triathlete who is paid by IBM to think deep thoughts about data. If intelligent machines could talk, perhaps they would speak like Jonas a4¬a4 elliptically, enigmatically, but with a depth and wisdom that is all too rare in our always-on world of continuous updates and partial attention spans.
How ironic, then, that Jonas should be an expert on this always-on world of data overload. He is IBMa4¬a4s resident genius on data a4¬a4 ita4¬a4s his job to bring sense to a seemingly senseless world that is spewing out more and more data. So listen carefully to what Jonas says. Part shaman, part showman, there is something irresistible about the rigor and intensity of his thinking.
What is data
Why more data makes us more ignorant
Why big data is the next big thing
How data makes us average Why the future is irresistible
CrunchBase InformationJeff JonasInformation provided by CrunchBase