Lockify, a service that encrypts text and creates a link to send the information safely across the Internet, launched today at the Launch Conference in San Francisco.

The service is like a secure version of link shortener Bit.ly. Lockify users can enter some information into a text box and then create a link to access that information. The URL to the information is a bunch of nonsense, so it&'s tough to guess. But if there are still security concerns, users can add an extra layer of protection by requiring recipients to log into Gmail or type in a code they receive in a text message.

The Lockify link expires either a day after it&'s sent or after the recipient views it three times. Recipients can also choose to terminate the link early after they get the information. The sender can see whether the recipient opened the link and how many times other users have accessed the link. Lockify is also releasing an application programming interface (API) that will let other sites include the service.

The information is encrypted on the sender&'s computer and is then sent to Lockify&'s servers, where the service adds another layer of encryption. Because it&'s encrypted locally, Lockify isn&'t able to decrypt the information a4a4 even if it wanted to. That encrypted batch of information is then sent to the recipient through the link and is then deleted from Lockify&'s servers.

It seems like the service would be easy to crack given enough time, said Digg founder and Launch conference judge Kevin Rose. But that&'s because the site&'s simple interface a4a4 which involves entering information and clicking a button a4a4 doesn&'t show how technical the actual service gets, Lockify&'s founders said. They said the service is primarily geared toward businesses, even though the basic service is free. That&'s a popular model among enterprise 2.0 companies, which seem to be thriving at the moment as evidenced in enterprise storage company Box.net&'s big funding deal announced this morning.

Previous Story: LinkedIn blocked in China, a happy day for Chinese clones

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Tags: links, security

Companies: Bit.ly, Lockify, Twilio

Tags: links, security

Companies: Bit.ly, Lockify, Twilio

Matthew Lynley is VentureBeat's enterprise writer. He graduated from the University of North Carolina, where he studied math and physics, in May 2010. He has reported for Reuters. He currently lives in San Francisco, California. You can reach him at mattl@venturebeat.com (all story pitches should also be sent to tips@venturebeat.com), and on Twitter at @logicalmoron.

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