Something is definitely up at uber nerd site and &''Directory of Wonderful Things&'' A trip to the front page brings up the charming image above, which seems to be some sort of vulgar message from someone called &''the|one&'' to site editora4sあCory Doctorow. The hack also ingeniouslya4sあincorporates the &''Jessi Slaughter &8216'You Dun Goofed&'&'' viral video.
Diehard fans have found a workaround URL for now. And the official BoingBoing Twitter account seems to have a sense of humor about it, tweeting stuff like &''So much for the 100,000 Hours Without a Hack T-shirts,&'' &''Someone&'s gonna get a subpoenis&8230' I mean a subpoena&'' and &''Look, at least it&'s not the new Gap logo.&''
Update: Looks like the hack has been taken down.a4sあTechCrunch readera4sあMachika Kuro informs us that this was most likely a SQL injection attack.
Viaa4sあMark Frauenfelder