What&'s better than one daily deals site Every daily deals site a4a4 on the same page.

That&'s what Savings.com is hoping to capitalize on by bringing deals from every daily deals site a4a4 including the likes of Yelp, Groupon and LivingSocial a4a4 onto a single landing page. The company announced that it is launching a closed beta at the Launch conference in San Francisco.

Users can sign up with a Gmail, Facebook, Twitter or Yahoo account a4a4 or create an individual account on the site. After that, they pick some specific areas they are interested in finding deals in, such as food or electronics. They then pick a few brands and some other Savings.com users to follow, and the site compiles a daily feed of deals from other daily deal websites. Users can put in a zip code to find local deals as well.

After that, Savings.com users can tweak their feed in real time by searching for additional brands and deals and deleting deals in their feed. Over time, the site learns which deals the user is most interested in and tailors the feed to deals which the user is specifically interested in.

Savings.com is trying to capitalize on the red-hot daily deals space that has since become a bit overloaded. Groupon dominates the space, with a big lead over LivingSocial, the second-largest site, yet it&'s spawned a host of imitators. And most local-business review sites like CitySearch and Yelp have duct-taped daily deals onto their own services. That&'s led to a good number of very similar deal services popping up, swamping the space and making it hard to find appealing deals.

&''I&'ve been waiting for Groupon to do this for a while,&'' said All Things D&'s Kara Swisher, an adviser at the Launch Conference. &''I for one am sick of all the stripper-pole offers.&''

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Tags: daily deals, deals

Companies: Groupon, Livingsocial, Savings.com, Yelp

Tags: daily deals, deals

Companies: Groupon, Livingsocial, Savings.com, Yelp

Matthew Lynley is VentureBeat's enterprise writer. He graduated from the University of North Carolina, where he studied math and physics, in May 2010. He has reported for Reuters. He currently lives in San Francisco, California. You can reach him at mattl@venturebeat.com (all story pitches should also be sent to tips@venturebeat.com), and on Twitter at @logicalmoron.

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