SoGeo, a service that collects and analyzes location data for users, today announced the launch of Whatser. It&'s a free mobile application that suggests where to go based on places that you like and that your friends like.

According to the company&'s announcement, the iPhone app is available in the app store.

Whatsers allows users to follow friends and other user&'s collections, which are locations tagged as &''favorites.&'' Based on those collections, the app suggests locations that the user may like. Theあsuggested locations are generatedあbased on search topics, like pizza, tennis, burgers and Italian.

SoGeo, which securedあa first round of funding for about $1.2 million earlier this year, provides businesses with a way to create applications built on top of the companya4ぎa4г a4ぎAlocation-awarea4ぎ information-sharing platform. The applications allow users to find stuff based on their location that is filtered by their likes, dislikes, or even the time of day.

The app reminds me of a recent concept Foursquare co-founder and chief executive Dennis Crowley hinted at during Picnic, an annual three-day festivalあfor sharing conceptsあin Amsterdam. The feature, which is only an experiment at this point, takes the company&'s large amount of dataあ and determines which locations users have already visited, and it creates a final list based on where their friends have been and overall popularity. Bizzy is also experimenting with location suggestions based on user preferences.

Amsterdam-based SoGeo was founded in 2008. Dutch digital media firm BlueBubbleLab l3d the funding.

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Tags: location, location-based, location-based service, mobile, mobile app, recommendation

Companies: Foursquare, SoGeo, Whatser

People: Dennis Crowley

Tags: location, location-based, location-based service, mobile, mobile app, recommendation

Companies: Foursquare, SoGeo, Whatser

People: Dennis Crowley

Cody Barbierri is a social and digital media consultant. He works for Piehead and blogs about social media at Social Tab. (None of his posts are about clients or their competitors.) Reach him at You can also follow Cody on Twitter.

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