Happy New Year! If you rang in 2011 with a bang, you may be wandering about in an alcoholic stupor with a throbbing head. I have no doubt that science will eventually produce the perfect hangover cure. Meanwhile, I could use this sleep mask right about now.
Anyway, if partying has kept you too busy to keep up with the latest on Crave, here's what you missed from a light but interesting final week of 2010.
&149' Will Verizon be the next iPhone carrier
How about a hangover mask
(Credit: Video screenshot by Tim Hornyak/CNET)&149' The Kindle becomes Amazon's biggest bestseller, and the Nook does the same for Barnes & Noble.
&149' More robot teachers invade Korean schools.
&149' RIM says its PlayBook battery can match those of rival tablets.
&149' Skype for iPhone gets two-way video chat.
&149' Ford will add start-stop technology to its conventional cars.
&149' Should Apple buy Netflix
&149' Rumor has it the iPhone 2 will come in three versions and have a USB port.
While you're busy working on resolutions for the new year, we're prepping for CES next week. Bookmark this page now to keep up with all news related to the annual gadget blowout.