From Associated Content&'s William Browning, in response to Google&'s super-patriotic Veterans Day doodle&8230'
&''In the pasta4sあGoogle personified its doodle with red, white and blue letters but the addition of an Islamic crescent moon-looking &''e&'' hasall the Internet abuzz.Tweets viaa4sあTwitter have included a broad range of hostile opinions about &8216'Old Glory&' appearing with the shadow of a stylized Islamic crescent moon&8211'especially on Veterans Day. Thea4sあGoogle doodle is definitely stirring up fears of fanning the flames of anti-Islamic sentiments in America. Was that whata4sあGoogle intended&''
No, William Browning, the only person &''stirring up fears of fanning the flames of anti-Islamic sentiments in America&'' here is you, you grade A linkbaiting scumwit.
Also: &''Tweets via Twitter&''
Honestly, Yahoo!, this is the future of online journalism You should be ashamed of yourselves.
(Original story h/t:a4sあGawker)