China will soon overtake Japan as the world's second heaviest spender on research and development, according to a report from the Battelle Memorial I... read more »
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There are those who believe that a full moon puts them in a strange mood and even causes them to behave in a peculiar manner. Some, though, want to c... read more »
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The U.S Air Force seems to do a lot to make the lives of its pilots and air crew more comfortable. Just the other day, one heard about a new chair t... read more »
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Commercial spacecraft will replace NASA&39's shuttle program. (Credit: NASA) Two companies tied to prominent technology entrepreneurs are among th... read more »
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Given that we are unlikely to get past 2012, perhaps it's churlish to even think of what 2025 might look like. However, the indelible optimists at NA... read more »
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One end of the CMS detector during the LHC&39's assembly in 2007. (Credit: Maximilien Brice/CERN) The Large Hadron Collider, CERN's particle acce... read more »
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Space Exploration Technologies, or SpaceX, plans to build a commercial heavy-lift rocket that will carry more than twice the payload of existing larg... read more »
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Projects designed to help communities improve access to clean water, cook with clean-burning fuel, fortify salt to maintain nutrients, and use mobil... read more »
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The clean-energy geeks (definitely a term of endearment) at Stanford University have come up with a way to turn every river in the world into a power... read more »
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Even those of us who cover e-commerce often overlook the reality of connecting the "e" part of the equation to the real world. Webvan and read more »
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Babyloid is perfect for caring humanoids. (Credit: Aichi Prefecture) The nightmare of robot babies continues apace in Japan, a rapidly aging soc... read more »
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KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Fla.--The shuttle Discovery's external tank was loaded with more than a half million gallons of supercold liquid oxygen and hyd... read more »
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One thing we can probably all agree on is that in the future, robots will be everywhere. But will they play the role of master or servant Sexy tim... read more »
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The human brain is truly awesome. A typical, healthy one houses some 200 billion nerve cells, which are connected to one another via hundreds of tril... read more »
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Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off during a flight Did you survive The question might seem slightly churlish, but the airline indu... read more »
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Canadian firm BioLytical received FDA approval this week for the sale of its Insti HIV Rapid Antibody Test in the United States. The test, which, at... read more »
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The six-member, all-veteran crew of the shuttle Discovery flew to Florida today to await their blastoff Monday on a space station resupply mission th... read more »
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Ground crew rolls the Solar Impulse into its hangar in Brussels after the successful flight. The vast array of solar cells is visible on the win... read more »
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The &39'NASA Explorer&39' badge on Foursquare (Credit: Foursquare) The first live Twitter messages from space were less than a year ago, but alread... read more »
Discuss   Add this link to...  Bury, the site that helps the British public keep tabs on their politicians, has just made the government''s goings-on even more transpa... read more »
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